An online tick sheet of the marketing traps of supermarkets would be a great school holiday activity for families and educational resources for schools. ie a list that families could take to the supermarket so the children can tick off the marketing traps that their local supermarket employs. Eg:

🔲 lollies, chocolate and/or potato chips at end of aisle

🔲 lollies, chocolate and cold energy drinks at the register

🔲 everyday foods (eg milk) very far from the exit

🔲 more expensive brands at eye level and easily accessible, cheaper ones at the very top & very bottom

🔲 music that distracts you, makes you sing along in your head, and makes you feel happy

🔲 stickers that look like an item is on sale but if you lift the tag, the normal price is the same

If it was designed well with lots of pictures, even very young children could hold a phone and competently complete an activity like this

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Some excellent advice and yes, some alarming statistics that truly are “food for thought” Thanks Dr.

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Glycerol is not required to be included in Carbohydrates on labels. It sits by itself at the bottom of the list. I discovered this when a quick calc of the macros didn't equal the calories. The difference? Primarily the glycerol.

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